Gong Yoo shared the behind story of choosing 'Kim Ji Young, Born in 82' > TV-MOVIES

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Gong Yoo shared the behind story of choosing 'Kim Ji Young, Born in 82'

  • Name : korea
  • Date : 2019-10-01 11:20:10



Photo Source: Lotte Entertainment


Movie 'Kim Ji Young, Born in 82' is set to premiere October. On Sep 30, Jung Yu Mi And Gong Yoo attended a press conference of the film which was hold in Seoul.


During the press conference, Gong Yoo revealed the reasons behind which made them to star in the film despite the large debate occurred in Korea due to its take on feminism.


Gong Yoo said, ‘I didn’t think so much while accepting the offer.’ He continued, ‘After I finished reading the script, I thought a lot about my family. I seldom cru while reading a script, but I cried quite a lot while reading the script.’


The actor also shared his feeling towards his character in the film, ‘I felt emotional when I suddenly immersed myself into Dae Hyun (Gong Yoo’s character in the film) which is not often. That made me realized that I had to star in the film’. He added, ‘My parents came to my mind so I called my mom and thanked her for raising me. Though I felt that my mom seemed to be a little bit confused and started laughing, I though she must have been very happy.’


The actor concluded, ‘There was no reason for me to not taking the film. I think it’s a good film for people in older generation, people in my generation, and the next generation to watch together.’


Meanwhile, the movie is set to premiere in October. Please check the 1st trailer below! 


Video Source : EokTalk
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