K-Pop Unites Mexico and Korea in K-Soul Festival 2016 > K-POP

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K-Pop Unites Mexico and Korea in K-Soul Festival 2016

  • Name : meizu0606
  • Date : 2016-04-07 15:08:04

The President of South Korea Park Geun Hye​ visit Mexico, City on Saturday her official visit was 2 to 5 April​, she made a special visit in the metropolitan theater on Sunday April 3​, the audience was very happy with her appereance, she say´s  the friendship between Mexico and Korea are growing​ and in that way the opportunities for more such events will be possible


Here are some photos from the event!





Here's the President of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto giving welcoming  President Park Geun Hye in Palacio Nacional, Mexico City.








Infinite showing their passion to their fans and giving the best for the friendship between Mexico and Korea, they sing their popular singles Back, Love Letter an BAD !




The members of Taekwondo Xilam show their enthusiasm, they entered the stage with Mexican hats and women dressed in China Poblana costume, they dance the popular 'La Bamba' and the iconic theme of the 'Gangnam Style'  by PSY ended with the deployment of two huge united flags of Mexico and Korea.


The event demonstrated the great relationship that exists already between Mexico and Korea, the last words of President Park Geun Hye were:  


"I want to express my thanks once again to all who have made this show and all Mexicans who have been good enough to be with us" 



Infinite also released a few words in Spanish, saying goodbye to their fans, "Las queremos!".


- Photos As Credited + www.primerahora.com.mx + despertardeoaxaca.com + 

Agencia EL UNIVERSAL/Agustín Salinas/RCC + EL UNIVERSAL/LCG + elsoldemexico.com.mx 


- This article was written for Korea.com by Mei Zu in Mexico, City.



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