HyunSeung Says Sorry to former BEAST members > K-POP

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HyunSeung Says Sorry to former BEAST members

  • Name : Christy임가은
  • Date : 2017-08-01 13:26:08

Jang Hyun Seung posted an apology on his official Instagram yesterday to the fans and his former members. 


Hi everyone, I'm Jang Hyun Seung. This is going to be a long post. But I would like to tell you what's in my heart.

In the past 7 years, when I was still a member of BEAST, I was showered with love. When I was young, I watched how many artist performed on the television, I thought they were really charming. That is when I want to be a singer. I finally debut after 5 years of training along with other members to form BEAST. 


Even though I fulfilled my dream after debut. During the promotions period. I felt uneasy and I felt complicated. Instead of spending more time to understand other members and to work with them, I was stubborn and full of egoistic despite receiving many advice from others. This caused other members and people around me to suffer. The wall between me and the members become thicker due to my inconsideration. I never try to solve it and I chose to leave the team. 

I can't control myself, including the expression and negative attitude I showed on stage. I was immature from every single aspect. I thought that was just to enjoy my youth. I'm regret now. 

Because of the unnecessary stubbornness and pride, I couldn't apologize personally. After leaving the team, many incidents happened. It was a tough journey. I've learned to be humble and reflected. I finally realized that the immature behavior and the decision I made hurt many people. 

I would really want to apologize to everyone that was hurt by me. I am sorry. 



From HyunSeung's Instagram - 89_h

Hope everything will goes well between them. I wish all 6 of them all the best :) 

Written by Christy who is listening to BEAST songs

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