Big Hit release official statement about Jungkook’s recent traffic accident > K-POP

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Big Hit release official statement about Jungkook’s recent traffic accident

  • Name : korea
  • Date : 2019-11-04 16:18:11

Photo Source: Big Hit Entertainment


On Nov 4, Korea media reported that BTS youngest member Jungkook went under police investigation after breaking an unspecified traffic law. 


According to the report, the accident was happened on Nov 2 when Jungkook was driving his own car, and the idol was reported to have crashed into a taxi after violating the said unspecified traffic law.


Big Hit Entertainment released an official statement regarding Jungkook’s traffic accident. The label said ‘As the police is still undergoing certain procedures on the case, we cannot reveal further details. However, Jungkook made a mistake when driving his own car last week and caused an accident last week. Neither the victim nor Jungkook was injured badly.


After the accident, Jungkook admitted that he violated the traffic law, and followed normal procedure for the accident. He has already come to an amicable agreement with the victim. Once again we apologize to the victim and to fans that also worried on Jungkook.’ 

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