Yang Hyunsuk supports Nam TaeHyun in his latest song “Hug Me” > K-POP

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Yang Hyunsuk supports Nam TaeHyun in his latest song “Hug Me”

  • Name : crizza
  • Date : 2017-05-27 14:49:05


Early today, Yang Hyunsuk surprised us with his Instagram post indicating his support to his former artist, Nam Taehyun’s newest song titled “Hug Me”.



Instagram POST says the HIS: # the Nam Tae- Hyun @souththth #southclub #HUGME # Hug Me #NEWSINGLE #OUTNOW #checkthisout 

Following this, Nam Taehyun reposted Yang Hyunsuk's photo with the caption "Thank you Boss".


​Fans have mix reactions towards this, some are confused but most of them are happy that despite of Nam Taehyun's departure in the agency, the closeness and support from each other are still there.


​We can say that YG Entertainment is still a family after all.



Photos are from Nam Taehyun and Yang Hyunsuk's instagram

Written by Korea.com's Crizza

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