Is it 'Fine'? Girls' Generation's Taeyeon wonders > K-POP

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Is it 'Fine'? Girls' Generation's Taeyeon wonders

  • Name : bobamochi
  • Date : 2017-02-28 12:11:02

No, it's not fine, according to ​Girls' Generation​'s ​Taeyeon​.


The songstress has just released '​Fine​', the title track to her first album, '​My Voice​', and she exceeds expectations once more as she delivers yet another emotional, powerful song. The song talks about trying to keep feelings from spilling out after a break-up or separation, the yearning and the emptiness one feels when the significant other is no longer present in his or her life. The artsy MV portrays these emotions as Taeyeon walks listlessly through the city, pausing as she spots a couple walking merrily down the street. She returns back home to an empty apartment, devoid of joy and life as memories of a happier past race by. It becomes too much for her as she nearly breaks down through quite the meta photoshoot.


Watch above for the MV!




​written by's Emily 

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