Alphabat in Lisbon, Portugal > K-POP

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Alphabat in Lisbon, Portugal

  • Name : 지혜tysh
  • Date : 2018-11-30 04:43:11

Alphabat were scheduled to come to Portugal for a concert on November 16th, 2018.

Organized by Beyond Ent, the group would give a concert and a dance workshop on the day after.

The prices of the tickets were from 20€ for the concert and tickets for the workshop 40€. Being in a day of the week, teens having classes, it didn't work very well. For not having so many people, the concert was cancelled 2 days before along with the workshop and it turned into a free event:

Being free, the event was still limited and it changed location. The new location was in a building basement, used for dance classes for the Portuguese people and it would be a much more intimate event.

Indeed the space was small and just a few people appeared, but the event was somewhat a success.

Alphabat sang 3 songs, 2 from the group and the other one from Ed Sheeran, live.

Between the songs, the group did some games with the fans and also received some love for the group's birthday.

In the middle of the heat, Alphabat were able to conquer the public, ending the event with all but smiles and hapiness.

They promissed to comeback for a real concert asking for support and all the love they received that night. 

Portugal will wait for you, with the same love as that night!



All photos by me.

Written by Tysh

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